fredag 9 september 2011

A breakfeast with a smile :)

A variety is needed for my daughters breakfeast. She has been put on a high calorie diet as she is on the smaller end of the scale. Her favorite breakfeast is toast with cheese, however I know she enjoys eggs.

Eggs  have a mere 5 grams of fat in the egg yolk along, only 30% are saturated fat.

A smiley breakfeast was made :)

My daughter was so hungry that she barely recognized the face before wanting to eat it, but I do think some kids and perhaps a little older would love seeing this face at the breakfeast table :)

Toasty Smiley:
1-2 pieces of bread
*1-2 eggs(keep out the eggwhite for children under 12months)
2-3 tablespoons whole milk
cucumber(cut into matchsticks)

Take a piece of bread and cut out circles for eyes and a strip for a mouth. In a bowl mix the eggs and milk. Butter the back side of the bread and put it on a medium heated pan. Pour part of the mixture over the bread making sure that the holes in the bread get covered(I made sure the bread was fully covered and scraped off the top). When you flip the bread you want to do it fast so the egg on top doesn´t go all over. Cut first any extra egg mixture that is around the bread and then flip the bread. The rest of the egg can be served as scrambled eggs on the side. Use scrambled eggs and cut up cucumber and decorate the figure with some "hair".

*It is recommended that children under 12months stay away from egg whites as this is one of the top 8 of allergens. We have no known egg allergies in our family but I followed this rule until she reached 12 months.

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