onsdag 11 januari 2012

Homemade Salsa

What is salsa really? Well in America it is a spicy, tomato-based hot sauce inspired of central american cuisine. 

But what is actually in salsa? and what do you use it with? Depending on what type of salsa you make, it can be served with so many things. It can be red, green, chunky, spicy or even sweet if using fruit.

I have a very simple recipe for salsa roja that I scrambled together when I found out we were out of store bought salsa only minutes before dinner was ready. Let me tell you, I will definitely not buy store bought again! This one can be served with Mexican food, Tex Mex or even your scrambled eggs in the morning :)

1 can or box of chopped tomatoes(I buy the 200ml box with chilies)
3-4 garlic cloves
1 big pot of cilantro (koriander)
1/2 yellow onion (optional, I use it if I have it)
* If you enjoy a really spicy salsa you could always add a fresh chili *

Chop up garlic, cilantro and onion.
 Mix in the tomatoes and chop up as finely as you like your salsa, if you want a chunky salsa do not chop the tomatoes, only mix in.
Serve with tortilla chips as a dip or a good mexican dinner!

Bon Appetit!

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