torsdag 12 april 2012

Make your own Play dough!

This was just so much fun!

I picked my little one up from preschool today and they had made play dough. I only remember that it was bought at the store when I was little, so I decided to google a little here at home to find a recipe. Most of the recipes I found had cream of tartar, and honestly, I don´t even really know what that is except I have seen it in some cookie recipes at christmas time.

I found a great and simple recipe at natural parenting tips and made a double recipe so we had enough for three colors. I used lemon juice instead of vinegar and it was so easy! And yes, do not be tempted to have higher heat, it takes a few minutes on the stove but well worth to not burn it.

This is a great way to "bake" with your kids or make fun little figurines, kids imagination is just so great. My little one is 21 months now so not big enough to really mold the play dough into anything, but using her little baking set we made a little pie together :)

Check out the recipe I linked above here and try this next time there is a rainy day, or you just have the need for an indoor activity with your kids. The dough keeps up to 2 weeks in plastic or airtight container in the refrigerator.

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