torsdag 1 mars 2012

The South Beach diet

Well I have decided to start South Beach phase 1 again. I have learned so much the years I have done this diet, better yet lets call it a lifestyle change. Even though i haven´t been totally faithful to it since my daughter was born I do however enjoy the wonderful recipes (especially dinner) from my South Beach cookbook. This taught me to enjoy food without cutting out any major food groups and still loose weight!

Most wonderful book that explains every phase and how it really works!

Phase 1 however is the strict detox phase and is somewhat limited. This phase is to be followed for 2 weeks only, it kickstarts your weight loss. It is definitely worth it to get rid of your cravings for those refined and processed foods and focuses back on stabilizing your blood sugar levels.

Phase 2 you start introducing carbs back into your diet, however there are still some restrictions and as this is the weight loss program you keep to this phase until you get to your desired weight.

Phase 3 is the phase that gives you the change to maintain the life style and your desired weight. I have never gotten to this phase because I become "bad" after a while on phase 2, so my goal in 2012 is to loose the weight and the ultimate goal is to get to phase 3!

In my South Beach cookbook I have seen the most delicious recipes for phase 3. Some I have even tried at dinnertime as I have ever since the first time I tried South Beach, kept our dinners quite healthy.

So since I have started this again you might see some recipes from my South Beach cookbook or perhaps some inspired by what is allowed on this diet. I already have some great ones in the blog, so my plan is to clean up and make the blog a bit easier to surf through. From now on South Beach will be called S.B. on my blog, just to shorten it a bit ;)

Hope you guys enjoy following me on this, and I will update how my weight loss is going.

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